Signature Grinder Silver

$0.00 $69.00

A 4-tier signature herb grinder in a soft brushed finish.

The Sackville & Co. 4-Tier Aluminum Signature Grinder serves in a soft brushed finish. Impeccably designed to catch eyes, you won’t want to hide it away in between uses. With four tiers, including a mesh kief screen, a kief bowl with a bb shovel and diamond-sharp teeth for producing perfect fluffy ground flower, it will outperform all others. Fitting in your palm, it is ideal for solo seshes or splitting with pals for a roll on the go.

* for herbal use only.

+ 100% Aluminum
+ 55mm D x 55mm H
+ Includes velvet dust bag for safekeeping.
+ Not machine washable

Place herb in the top section (the one with all the teeth!). Twist the top a few times around the merry-go-round. Open the third chamber and BOOM your freshly ground herb will be waiting for you!

How to clean your Grinder?
Your first few months with your Sackville grinder are like a dream. She’s stunning – she twists and turns with grace and ease, she’s razor-sharp, and she shines so brightly you can see your reflection. After a while, though, real life starts to set in. Gunk clings to her teeth. Her sparkle reflects only fingerprints. The honeymoon phase is starting to slip away before your very eyes. Luckily, though, you have a tool greater than any marriage counselor: isopropyl alcohol. Follow these instructions and you two lovebirds will be back at it in no time.

Use your cute little shovel to remove as much herb residue and gunk from the grinder as possible and store it in a safe place.
Don rubber gloves and open up a window – rubbing alcohol is no joke.
Disconnect all grinder pieces and put them in a plastic Tupperware container.
Fill the Tupperware with just enough isopropyl alcohol (the higher the percentage, the more powerful – we recommend 90% or above) to cover the grinder parts.
Sprinkle a generous amount of coarse salt like kosher or Epsom on top of the soaking pieces.
Seal the Tupperware with a lid and let the solution sit for 10-20 minutes, depending on the level of gunkiness.
Shake, shake, shake your container.
Rinse your pieces in warm, soapy water and let dry completely. A wet grinder = damp herbs.
Re-assemble your sparkly queen and enjoy the first day of the rest of your lives.


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